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Il existe effectivement plusieurs formats de la Fresque du Climat : la version classique ou adulte, la version simplifiée et la Fresque Junior.
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Ces quatre versions de la Fresque sont les seules proposées par l’association à ce jour. Le caractère non-modifiable de l’atelier est stipulé dans la licence. Il est formellement interdit de modifier les cartes de la Fresque du Climat sans l’accord de l’auteur. |
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Other versions of the Climate Fresk do exist : the classic/adult version, the simplified regular version and the Junior version of the Fresk.
The classic version is the most popular version of the Climate Fresk. It is composed of 42 cards and lasts 3 hours. It is the most spread version.
The simplified version corresponds to the classic version of the Fresk, but with fewer cards (37 cards). By removing the most technical concepts, the goal is to remove a level of complexity for the facilitator, if they are not yet experienced, and/or for the participants, if they are young or not too well-informed on the topic. It can also be quicker if you are out of time.
The Junior version of the Climate Fresk is a workshop created for a young public, aged from 10 to 14. Below this age, we do not recommend its use for several reasons:
climate change only becomes part of the curriculum starting around the last years of elementary school
kids younger than 10 sometimes do not yet have the scientific base to understand the concepts of the fresk
the workshop requires a certain emotional maturity
there must be a certain level of reading capability to be sure that the students will fully engage in the workshop.
The “Expert” version of the workshop is an extension of Climate Fresk and is reserved for facilitators familiar with the classic workshop. It includes 40 cards and is used in addition with cards of the classic workshop. This format of the Fresk is not included in the offers of the NGO. It has been created to enhance the skills of facilitators already trained.
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These four versions of the Climate Fresk are the only ones currently offered by the association. The non-modifiable character of the workshop is stipulated in the license. It is strictly forbidden to modify the cards of the Cllimate Fresk without the author's agreement. |