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(étoile bleue) Ici, tu trouveras des détails sur les prérequis afin de pouvoir candidater aux opportunités qui passent par l’association.

L’association reçoit des demandes entrantes de tous types d’organisation et dans le monde entier.

Pour les opportunités gérées en Apport d’affaire, c’est l'équipe Offre et Programmes qui sélectionne et met en relation un·e animateur·ice avec le·la prospect·e.

Pour les opportunités en Sous-traitance, l'équipe Offre et Programmes vend des prestations et assure une qualité d’animation en échange d’un tarif.

Pour ces raisons, nous devons sécuriser un niveau de qualité minimum basé sur des critères objectifs.

✅ Prérequis pour candidater

Pour participer aux opportunités gérées par l’équipe Intra de l'association, il faut avoir un niveau de ceinture minimum :

  • Entreprises/Associations/Secteur Public : ceinture verte pour coordonner, animer, former ou coacher.

  • Enseignement : ceinture orange pour coordonner et coacher, ceinture jaune pour animer et ceinture verte pour former.

Pour l’Inter-entreprises (sessions organisées par l’association en ligne ou en présentiel avec des participant·es professionnel·les de diverses organisations en simultané) : ceinture bleue.


Techniquement, il te sera impossible de candidater si tu n’as pas atteint ce niveau de ceinture.


Pour plus d’information sur la constitution de ton équipe, tu peux consulter cet article.

📃 Impératifs administratifs

Pour les opportunités en Sous-traitance, il faut également se conformer à des modalités administratives que tu peux retrouver dans cet article. In this article, you will find details on the prerequisites to act as a subcontractor for the Climate Fresk NGO.

The NGO receives incoming requests from all types of organisations worldwide and needs to ensure a minimum level of quality and compliance.

Here is the article on how to apply and the selection criteria.

For business referral, find the process from A to Z including prerequisites here.

✅ Belt level for applying to inter-company opportunites

Inter-company sessions (organised by the NGO online or in person with professional participants from various organisations simultaneously) are only open to blue belts.

Prerequisites for subcontracting opportunities

To take part in opportunities negociated by the NGO including in the UK, you must have a minimum belt level :

  • Companies/Associations/Public Sector: green belt to coordinate, facilitate, train or mentor.

  • Education : orange belt to coordinate and mentor, yellow belt to facilitate and green belt to train.


For more information on how to build your team, check this article.

📃 Compliance requirements


As part of setting up our supplier’s compliance, a legal agreement was made with Provigis for us to collect your legal documents. Filling your documents on the Provigis platform is free and secure. Note that Provigis is a member of the French Federation of Trusted Third Parties.

To better understand compliance requirements, here are three scenarios that may apply to you:

Level 1: for education sector opportunities (client introduction & subcontracting), nothing additional is currently required from you - you just need to be an orange belt or above to apply.

Level 2: for all other client introduction and subcontracting opportunities (business, public sector or not-for-profits), you'll need to:

  1. tick the box “I facilitate Climate Fresk services in a commercial context” on your Facilitator account profile under 'Pros' :
    you will receive all our information and updates aimed at the Pro community (like the bimonthly newsletter ✨).

  2. add your company/sole trader information to your Facilitator account profile under ‘Pros'

  3. fill in this form, you will receive a confirmation message informing you that we are going to add you to our Provigis supplier database

  4. fill in this Yousign form, to receive the Association's service contract by email

  5. sign the service contract 

  6. open a Provigis account (you'll receive instructions on how to via email*)

  7. upload your signed contract to your Provigis account

Level 3: If the cumulative amount you invoice the association exceeds 5,000 euros in the past 12 months, you'll need to comply with further requirements. You'll need to fill in & upload other documents to your Provigis account, which may vary slightly by country (generally it's: Legal identification certificate, National social registration and contribution documentation, Foreign workers certificate)


Level 2 + level 3 compliance applies in any context that you deliver a paid service for the Association, even if you are not the Coordinator (i.e. you must comply if you're recruited by a Coordinator who has been directly subcontracted by the Association to run a project).

*Details on how to open a Provigis account

👉 You will receive an email from Provigis telling you that the association has added you to our list of Provigis providers (after filling in this form).

All you have to do now is :

  1. Create a Provigis account by clicking on this link: (if you already have a Provigis account, you can go straight to step 2).

  2. Log on to your Provigis account to see the documents you need to add for the association. Once all the documents have been added, you will be considered eligible to apply for the association's opportunities.

Once your company details on your facilitator space and your Provigis account are up to date, you'll officially be compliant and you’ll be able to continue working on our business contribution services 🥳
