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(étoile bleue) In this article is explained the framework of the user licence and particularly, what it says for commercial services and professional use.

The Climate Fresk tool can be used in a commercial and professional context.


According to a licence agreement dated 10 July 2019 extended by amendment on 13 November 2023, the Author has granted the association “La Fresque du Climat” the exclusive rights to use the French trademark “La Fresque du Climat” and the game “La Fresque du climat”.

As a result, the association may define the conditions of use of La Fresque du Climat and collect the royalties for commercial use or use within an organisation.

The use of the “Climate Fresk” wokshop workshop in a professional setting (excluding opportunities subcontracted with the association) can be done in three different ways:

  • Autonomous prospection

  • Via the association (opporunities dealt as “Business Contribution”)

  • As an employee trained within your organisation (also called an “internal facilitator”)


INote Note that the license licence strictly prohibits the modification of the cards without the agreement of the author.

More information on the licence here.

\uD83D\uDCD8 Autonomous prospection: I invoiced a service including Climate Fresk tools (workshop/training/etc.)

➡️ Each Fresker is free to prospect on its their own and offer Climate Fresco Fresk workshops independently of the association, by going directly to organizationsorganisations.

➡️ No prerequisite is set by the association to facilitate (we recommend you to have a strong experience as a voluntary volunteer facilitator - if you wish to offer trainings, you will have to be a minimum of a green belt at minimum).


It is not not mandatory although highly recommended to be trained with the 7-hour professional training to start offering your services in a professional context. If you only followed the 3-hour training, you can check the materials for the 7-hour training in the resources of the pro page.

➡️ You will have to declare the 10% user usage fee (excluding tax) on the turnover (excluding tax) generated by using the tool.


This applies to both workshop activities workshops facilitation and trainings, as well as any other services closely linked to the use of Climate Fresk.

\uD83D\uDCD8 Business Contribution via the association: I invoiced a service, integrating Climate Fresk tools (workshop/training/etc.)

➡️ The association receives incoming requests from organizations organisations and allocates them to freskers as either Subcontractors or Business Contributions (to find out more, read this article).

➡️ When opportunities are dealt as Business Contribution, incoming requests from organizations organisations are sent directly to the professional fresker community via the facilitator space (“Pros” tab, “Pending Opportunities” section). In this case, the association did not have prior contact with the prospects; the person who gets the lead is in charge of managing the business relationship and reaching out directly to the prospect.

➡️ You will have to declare the 10% user usage fee (excluding tax) on the turnover (excluding tax) generated by using the tool. To this, you will have to add business contribution rights (introductory fee)fees, for you were intoduced introduced to the lead via the incoming requests of the association. The amount of this introductory fee will also be 10% excluding tax on turnover (excluding tax).


This applies both to workshop activities facilitation and trainings, as well as any other services closely linked to the use of Climate Fresk.


More information on the licence here.
To find out more about the payment of usage rights, go to: here (sourire)


Little Tips (clin d'œil) : Whether your obtained a lead thank to your autonomous propection or through Business Contribution via the association, you have to have a legal status allowing you to invoice clients in your country.

\uD83D\uDCD8 As an employee of an organisation*: I have facilitated/trained during my working time (internally or externally)

➡️ Once you have been trained as a facilitator within your organisation, you are free to facilitate workshops to your co-workers (especially if Climate Fesk Fresk is rolled-out in your organisation): there are no prerequisite (we nevertheless strongly recommend you to facilitate beforehand and/or have a coach mentor to support you while you facilitate for the first time ) .

➡️ Your organisation will have to declare user usage fees : 3€ excluding tax (€3.60 including tax) or €5 excluding tax (€6 including VAT) per participant.

*excpet except if you facilitated within an educational institution or for the general public


The usage fees will amount to €5 excluding tax from January 2025 for private organizations (companies and professional associations). The amount will remain unchanged for public sector organizations and associations other than professional associations.

For Switzerland, the fees will be 10 CHF from January 2025.


More information on the licence by here.
To find out more about the payment of usage rightsfees, go to: here(sourire)
