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(étoile bleue) In this article, we explain to you what the subcontracting services that you provide for the association cover and the amount of remuneration.

🧮 Remuneration grid

When you subcontract for the association, it is the association which pays you according to a scale which depends on the service and the public.

➡️ Link to the grid: (the amounts are expressed in excluding tax).

For every opportunity there is 2 types of remuneration :

  • The remuneration for the benefit carried out: paid to each facilitator who intervenes for this opportunity, that is to say who facilitates, who trains, who coaches for each service (workshop, training, coaching).

  • The remuneration of coordination : paid to the coordinator of this opportunity in addition to their remuneration for the service. It is multiplied by the number of performances (simultaneous with several facilitators, or over several dates).

For certain structures, it is possible that the remuneration does not depend on the legal status indicated on the opportunities page.

Example : a professional association to which we have applied the company rate due to its operation and financing. In this case, we indicate in the “Additional information” that the remuneration will correspond to that of an intervention in a company.

➡️ Example of compensation calculation

👉 You are selected to coordinate 4 workshops simultaneously with a public community.

  • The remuneration of coordination : as an ice coordinator, you will receive 4 x €100 excluding tax for the coordination of the 4 workshops and therefore the recruitment of 3 other facilitators.

  • The remuneration for the benefit carried out: as you will also lead a workshop on the big day, you will also receive the service fee amounting to €500 excluding tax for this service (workshop) and this audience (public sector).

→ The 3 other facilitators will each receive €500 excluding tax for their entertainment on the big day.

👉 You are selected to provide an animation training session for a company: you will receive the coordination fee of €150 excluding tax and the payment for providing training to a company of €1,200 excluding tax.

👉 You are selected to coordinate a Back to Climate with 3 workshops, 3 training courses and 15 coaching sessions, i.e. 21 services.
You will personally provide 1 workshop, 1 training and 1 coaching: you will receive 21 x 30€ excluding tax for coordinating everything.
You will also receive €100 excluding tax for leading the workshop, €200 excluding tax for facilitation training and €100 excluding tax for coaching.

(question) What do the remunerations cover?

  • The remuneration of benefit (animation, training, coaching) covers possible travel and accommodation costs for each facilitator.

Transport costs/expenses in education

As part of the Education opportunities, it is possible to request additional compensation from establishments → see the dedicated article (link: Logistics )

  • The remuneration of coordination covers material costs for the team : decks of cards, rolls of paper, post-its, printing of debrief materials, stationery.
    It is of course possible to reuse material from old animations, particularly card games. If there is a need to complete/repurchase games, it is up to the coordinator to take care of this.

This coordination fee also covers team building work and the preparation of the service.

When there is onlya single service, you still receive the coordination fee since it covers the preparation/preparation of the service with the client

For more details on the missions of the coordinator, see the following articles:

Coordination fee between several people
In the case of large opportunities with a large team of facilitators (e.g. 20 workshops simultaneously), it is possible that you want to share the coordination burden with another person.

It is important that you inform and validate this with the relationship manager who put you in contact with the client.

This can be done by exceptional way, but we need to be informed so that self-billing after the service takes place correctly.

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