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In this article, we explain how to add participants and record their presence in case of facilitation or co-facilitation.
If your session has already taken place and you did not organize it via the facilitator space, then you can declare your session and associated participation by filling your meter.
Add participants
After creating a session, you can add participants Before, during, and After your session using the button Add participants.
Add before session
If you want your participants to register before the beginning of the session, you can either share the link of the session either the invite by email.
Share session link
You can share the URL link of the session. When participants click on this link, they can register by providing their personal information (E-mail - First name - Name - Country).
In the case of a paid session, participants will have to pay to register for the session.
Invite by email
You can also provide information directly, and use participant's emails for the invite. In this case, the participants receive an email with a link where they can register by providing their personal information (Email - First name - Name - Country).
You can also invite a large number of participants by importing a CSV file.
Add during session
To add participants during the session, you can share a QR Code.
Once the QR code is scanned, participants will arrive at a page registration where they will have to provide their personal information (E-mail - First name - Name - Country).
They will be automatically considered as present and will be automatically added to your counter and to the general counter.
Attention: The QR Code is unique ,and specific for each facilitator and for each session
Little tips: We advise you to organize your session before the start of your session to be fully prepared to host. All you have to do is access your session and click on “Add participants” to access the QR Code.
2nd little tip: By clicking on the QR Code, it will be displayed in full screen.
Add after session
Add participants after the session
If you wish to add a new participant, you can then use the button "Add". Participants created will be anonymous.
Definition: An anonymous participant is a participant whose email address, name, etc. are unknown.
When you add anonymous participants, they will be automatically considered·it is as present and automatically added to the general counter and to your personal counter.
By default, the “Add” button creates participants without information. You can add information (E-mail - First name - Name - Country) by selecting this anonymous participation and clicking “To modify”.
Record participants' attendance during the workshop
During the session, each facilitator signs off the participants from their table(s).
When you sign in, the participants are automatically added to the general counter and the facilitator counter.
Tips: start recording attendance 15 minutes before the beginning of the session.
Present : List of people who have been registered as present.
In “My participants”: people I have personally registered
In “All”: all registered people
Copy emails : To copy the emails of the present participants, according to the signing in carried out. Only the organiser can copy the emails of all the participants.
Add a registered participants
“Add” icon : To add participants that aren’t on the registration list to your session
Add anonymous participants
The “New” button will create anonymous participants by default. You can nevertheless provide the Information of your participants (name, mail adress, etc.) by selecting Anonymous participation and clicking on “Modify”
Definition: Anonymous participants are participants whose email, name, etc. are unknown.
Cancel a participation
“Remove” icon : To remove a participant you added from the attendance list
During a facilitation training, signing someone in triggers the activation of their facilitator account and automatically sends an email. Canceling attendance does not result in deactivation of their facilitator account.
Case of co-facilitation
It is only possible to cofacilitate in pairs. If you are more than two co-facilitators, you can:
Either fill the participants separately, and the third facilitator uses the Fill my counter function.
Either you divide the participants between you (CF organise a session)
Simply select a person with whom to co-facilitate from the list of facilitators, and click on the “Co-facilitate” button.
The registered participants are then counted for the 2 facilitators and only one in the general counter
If you change partners, the attendance registration list is reset for both.
Definition of participant’s statuts
Guest: The participant has received an invitation to a session (via the option “Invite by email”)
The participant has registered for a session by confirming the session invitation that he/she received by email
or the participant has registered for a session by following a link that was shared with him
or the participant has registered for a session via the public calendar on the Climate Fresco website
By registering, a participant will provide their personal information and, if applicable, pay for their registration for the session.
Present: The facilitator recorded the participant's presence during a session
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