Calculation of NPS (Net Promoter Score)

What is NPS?

The Net Promoter Score is a tool for calculating customer satisfaction.

We use it in satisfaction survey to allow facilitators to know the satisfaction of their participants.

NPS Slider

How is NPS calculated?

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of people called “promoters” from people called “detractors”.

Promoters are people who answered 9 or 10.

Detractors are people who answered 6 or less.


How to interprete your NPS?

Below 0, we consider that improvements are necessary.

From 0 to 30, we consider that it is a good NPS.

From 30 to 70, we consider that it is a very good NPS.

From 70 to 100, it is considered an excellent NPS (very rare).

This calculation makes it possible to analyse trends and make comparisons. However, the survey allows participants to enter comments in text fields, which will allow you to get more qualitative feedback on areas of improvement.