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Dans le cadre d’un atelier ou d’une formation “grand-public”, le·a formateur·rice est bénévole. A l’inverse, dans un cadre inter-entreprise (salarié) ou intra-entreprise, l’intervenant.e est dit expert.e. Que ce soit un atelier ou une formation, la différence entre le format “grand-public" et le format “salarié” est l’intervenant : dans un cas c’est un bénévole, dans l’autre un prestataire rémunéré.
Dans tous les cas, il est obligatoire d’avoir participé à un atelier Fresque du Climat pour pouvoir participer à la formation à l’animation pour devenir fresqueur.euse. A noter qu'il est tout-à-fait possible de participer à une formation à l’animation “salarié” après avoir assisté à un atelier “grand-public”.
Pourquoi faire la formation de 7h ?
Si vous êtes amené.e à animer des ateliers dans le cadre professionnel (à vos collaborateur.ices, etc.), nous vous suggérons de vous inscrire à une formation salariée. Cette formation se déroule sur une journée entière (7h) et a pour objectif de répondre plus efficacement aux personnes qui souhaitent inclure les enjeux environnementaux dans leurs activités professionnelles. Cette formation permet notamment d’approfondir les connaissances vues lors de l’atelier, ainsi que la posture d’animation et la construction du débrief. Ce nouveau format développe davantage la partie de "mise en place des actions" que la formation grand public.
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In a workshop or training course for the general public, the trainer is a volunteer. On the contrary, in an inter-company (employees) or intra-company session, the trainer is a professional fresker. Whether it's a workshop or a training course, the difference between the "general public" format and the "employee" format is the facilitator : in one case it is a volunteer and does the training course on a volontary basis, in the other she/he is remunerated for her/his work.
➡️ The 3-hour training course is the minimum time for the training. It is the one offered when done in a voluntary basis, or in the frame of Education.
➡️ In the case of professional training, the trainer is referred as a professional fresker. He/she is paid for his/her 7-hour service, which enables him/her to deepen the knowledge acquired during the workshop, as well as the general competence of the facilitator and the development of the debrief in a professional context.
In all cases, the participation to a workshop is a prerequisite for being trained as a facilitator. However, it is possible to take part in professional training course after attending a "general public" workshop.
Why take the 7-hour course?
If your intention is to offer your facilitation service in a professionnal context (facilitate to your coworkers, etc.), we recommend you to take part in an employee training course. This full-day course (7 hours) is designed to provide a more effective route to people who wish to include raising awareness about environmental issues in their professional activities.
In particular, this training allows us to deepen the knowledge acquired during the workshop, as well as the effectiveness of the facilitator and their debrief. This new format develops the "action implementation" part more than the general public training.