Comparaison des versions


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For the 1st generation -Generation workshop, many Fresqueurs prepared Freskers created their own visuals presentation and workshop outlinefacilitation flow, particularly especially for the Discussion & Action Levers part (the “debriefing”), which has 2 Action” part. This led to two main consequences:

  1. There were Inconsistent workshop quality – With as many Frescoes variations as there were Frescoers and facilitators, the quality varied greatly from one Fresco to another.Many Fresqueurs waste time making adaptations or translations into their language without benefiting other Fresqueurs.of the workshop varied significantly.

  2. Inefficient use of time – Many facilitators spent time adapting or translating materials into their own language without these efforts benefiting the wider Fresker community.

Our New Approach

From now on, we want these adaptations and translations to benefit everyone. That is why To achieve this, we have proposedintroduced:

  1. That A 💡 “Suggest improvements” button, allowing each Fresker can send to submit suggestions for improvement via the “💡 Suggest improvements” button for each resource present

  2. That a translation process be put in place so that all translated content is made available to everyone in the facilitator space.

  3. That each Fresker can join working groups to propose Working groups where Freskers can work on adaptations of the workshop to for different audiences and contexts. They These will then be made available to everyone all facilitators in the facilitator space. [Implementation of frameworks by the association in progress]That a translation process be put in place so that all translated content is made available to everyone in the facilitator space. Facilitator Space. (The association is currently working on setting up the necessary frameworks.)