Before BETA-testing the 2nd generation public animation training, here is what we recommend to green belts and blue belts:
Lead at least one 2nd generation workshop and feel comfortable in his animation.
Read the 2nd generation neo-trainer booklet [BETA-TEST] to understand the objectives of the new animation training which is focused on putting the workshop into practice by having future facilitators directly lead it.
Consult the Educational process for 2nd generation public animation training (3 hours [BETA-TEST] to understand the educational objectives of the different sequences of the 2nd generation animation training for the general public and the reasons for the changes.
Once you have completed these 3 steps, you can BETA-test training courses in facilitating the 2nd generation workshop.
When creating your BETA-TEST training from your facilitator space, you can choose the option “[BETA-TEST] 2nd generationAfter their training, participants will receive an automatic email specifying that they have participated in a training course on BETA-TEST 2nd generation animation and that they can use the [BETA-TEST] 2nd generation resources.
We recommend that you specify to participants at the start of the training that they will be trained in the 2nd generation workshop currently in the BETA-TEST phase and that it will be updated in June 2025.
As soon as you have BETA-tested at least one 2nd generation public animation training, feel free to make suggestions for improvement, if possible before the end of March 2025. We will study the suggestions to propose in June 2025 to all the facilitators an improved version of the 2nd generation resources. Thank you!
Click on “💡Suggest improvements” on the window that opens when you click on any resource in the facilitator space.