Incoming requests management

Incoming requests management


The association receives incoming requests every day from all kinds of organisations. Some of these requests are managed from beginning to end by the association, others are transferred directly to professional freskers.

How does the association’s incoming requests management system work?


When the association processes an opportunity directly, we call it “Subcontracting” (“Sous-traitance” in French).

This concerns all requests in France and few opportunities outside France (mainly for organisations with which the OP team was already in contact for France and which have international branches).

In this context, it is the permanent team of the association and more precisely, the relation officers of the OP (Offer & programs) team who handle these requests. The officers discuss with prospects several times, depending on their needs, and send them a business proposal best suited to their requirements.

Prices are therefore defined by the association (the document is for the French market and prices reflected here may not correspond to your own market!).

If the offer is accepted by the prospect, the association makes the opportunity appear to the community of professional facilitators by posting it on the facilitator space, “Pro” tab, “Pending opportunities” section. Professional freskers can then apply to coordinate the opportunity. Once introduced to the client, coordinators are responsible for setting up a team of facilitators - if needed - creating a customised discussion part, ensuring logistical aspects, carrying out the service, etc. (see this article on the responsibility of the coordinator and this one on team building in subcontracting)

At the end of the opportunity, the association sends the bills to the client and pays the the facilitators and the coordinator.

We speak of “Subcontracting” in this case because the facilitators are mandated by the association to carry out the services. They are part of the service providing, but the contractualisation is done between the association and the client.

In this context, the facilitators do not have to pay any usage fees to the association!
The association keeps control of the commercial relation for 12 months.

Client introduction

When the association receives incoming requests and sends them directly to professional facilitators, without having previously prior contact, we speak of “Client introduction” (“Apport d’affaires” in French).

The Client introduction opportunities are almost all incoming international requests. As the association has more limited knowledge of international markets for training offers, it is difficult to set up a relevant pricing policy. This is why most international opportunities are handled as Client introduction.

In this context, incoming requests from organisations are sent directly to the professional community via the facilitator space , “Pro” tab, “Pending Opportunities” section. The association did not have any prior contact with the prospects. It is up to the selected coordinator to manage the business relationship with the prospect and to reach out to them.

This is the main difference with “Subcontracting” opportunities.

In this context, facilitators must declare their usage fees and business contribution fees. More informations here !

To find out if an opportunity is managed as “subcontracting” or “client introduction”, simply look at the “Group” column of the “Coordination Opportunities” tables (facilitator area, “Pro” tab).





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