Declare your usage and business contribution fees

Declare your usage and business contribution fees


This article explains how and when to complete the form to declare your usage fees and business contribution fees.

When to pay fees to the association?

As part of your professional fresker activity, you are required to pay usage fees and business contribution to the association in several cases:

This decision tree will allow you to determine whether or not you need to pay the usage fees:




There are no fees to declare and pay for services carried out as a subcontractor for the association.

We ask you to pay your rights quarterly. This allows for healthier cash flow on the association side and better budgetary visibility.


How to declare and pay your usage fees ?

Here are the steps to complete the declaration form (available on the site)

Select “I invoiced my services”




  1. Provide information on the services provided (period covered, currency)

    If you invoiced in a currency other than the euro, you can specify this.

  2. Write the tax free price that you invoiced in the currency used, in each field according to the different cases.

If you have carried out several services over the period covered, group the amounts that you invoiced.

Usage fees

Usage fees & business contribution

Business contribution fees are also called introductory fees


Business contribution only

Also called introductory fees




  1. Fill in your personal and company information

  2. You can proceed to the payment

If you chose to pay by credit card:

You will have all payment information available at the end of the licence fees declaration form. More information on this article.

If you chose to pay by bank transfer:

Within 7 working days, you will receive a bill with the bank info of the association and you will be able to pay by bank transfer.




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