Usage fees when using Climate Fresk within an organisation (3€ or 5€)

Usage fees when using Climate Fresk within an organisation (3€ or 5€)


When using Climate Fresk in the internally, within an organisation, without the intervention of an external paid facilitator, the organisation must pay a fee for using the tool of €3 excluding tax (€3.60 including VAT) or €5 excluding tax (€6 including VAT) per participant. This applies both to workshops and facilitation trainings.

The usage fees will amount to €5 excluding tax from January 2025 for private organizations (companies and professional associations). The amount will remain unchanged for public sector organizations and associations other than professional associations.

For Switzerland, the fees will be 10 CHF from January 2025.

These fees do not concern organisations that sell Climate Fresk related services to customers, or buy services from professionnal service providers. In this case it is another type of usage fees which applies.


However, these fees need to be declared when a facilitator from an organisation leads workshop for free (without billing) for other professionals outside their organisation (clients, suppliers …). In this case, it is up to the organisation offering the workshops to pay the fees of €3 or €5 excluding tax per person.

This concerns companies, public organisations, associations, unions, NGOs, and any other type of for-profit or non-profit group, for use for their own purposes. staff.

The use of Climate Fresk in a primary, secondary or higher education establishment for staff is not covered by this category of use.

Usage fees reporting is required on a quarterly basis.



If your customers have questions, you can refer them to the Organisations FAQ and help desk.


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