Inter-company workshop schedule

Inter-company workshop schedule

Introduction (10 min)

Collaborative work (1h30)

  • Discover the Climate Fresk playing cards and build the Fresk with the causes and consequences of climate change.

Creativity and synthesis (20 min)

  • Map and link the final work with the team. Share acquired knowledge and anchor it in a synthetic presentation.

Break (10 mins)

Welcoming emotions (15 min)

  • To help you accept scientific reality without falling into fatalism, by expressing your emotions.

Projecting towards actions (55 min)

  • Quiz and reflection on strategic levers of action for your organization, and take advantage of collective intelligence to explore a new path to solutions.

Conclusion (10 mins)


A document including the learning objectives of the workshop as well as the course program is transmitted to the participant at the time of the registration confirmation.