Subcontracting - Post-service contractualisation conditions

Subcontracting - Post-service contractualisation conditions


image-20240607-150206.png When you are being introduced to a client of the association for an opportunity in subcontracting, they contact you again by after the first mission for other services.

Within 12 months starting from the date of connection with the client, you are bound by certain obligations :

If the customer contacts you for new services offered by the association (CF workshop, training, mentoring, etc.), the association that keeps the lead on the commercial relationship.

It is therefore expected of you that you refer the client to the association. In practice, if the client wishes to work with you again, you will certainly obtain the coordination of new opportunities.

As indicated in the subcontracting contract that you had to sign to intervene for the association, non-compliance with this condition may result in termination of the contract and a penalty of €5,000.

If they wish other services than the ones offered by the association (consulting missions, carbon footprint assessment, CSR strategy, etc.), you can contract directly with the customer.
It is preferable that you inform the person in the Offer and Programmes team in contact with the customer for better follow-up.

Either way, any services sold by you to this customer over this 12 months period will be subject to payment of business contribution fees.

This period of 12 months runs from the first e-mail of introduction between you and the client.

If other services are signed after the first mission, the date remains the same.

→ E.g.: If you are being introduced to the client on June 1st, 2024 for a workshop in July 2024, and a new workshop is ordered on September 15th, 2024 to be done in December 2024, the introductory date remains June 1, 2024.


Why this 12 month modality ? This allows us :

  • to ensure good customer follow-up over the long term and in a global manner

  • to have a certain financial security to finance the association project

  • for certain types of clients (multi-locations), to allow local freskers to intervene and give everyone a chance, be as fair as possible









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