Opportunity after the facilitation training

Opportunity after the facilitation training

At the end of this training, you will be a professional Climate Fresk facilitator and you will be able to raise awareness among your colleagues/collaborators and clients about the causes and consequences of climate change.

Facilitator’s space as part of professional training

The facilitator’s space is accessible after the training


  • A range of tools are available to help you run your first workshops (facilitator’s training guide, memo, training material, cheat sheet, online training guide, wiki, communication tools, etc.).

  • We advise you to start facilitating workshops for the general public (on a voluntary basis) before moving on to professional contexts.

Vocabulary point

  • Co-facilitate= two facilitators who facilitate together for the same participants. The participants are added to individual counters of the two facilitators, but are counted only once in the general counter.

Incoming requests and freskers' journey

  • To apply to incoming requests, you have to have reached a minimum belt level witch differs depending on the client organisation type:

    • Companies & NGOs: Green belt

    • Public sector & authorities: Green belt

    • Education: orange belt

  • Consult our user license for more information and to be aware of the fees.

Little tips: Facilitating for colleagues or superiors can be a challenge: this is why we offer to provide a teaching expert in the form of mentoring. Feel free to Contact us for more information.