Facilitate a Climate Fresk Workshop

Facilitate a Climate Fresk Workshop

In this article, we give you tips and resources on how to run workshops and improve your facilitation skills.

Before the Workshop

Here is everything you need to bring Climate Fresk and climate education to your community:

Get ready



Resources to get to know the workshop and how to run it in person or online

All the ressource you need to promote your workshop to the whole world.


There are many ways you can organise, facilitate or just watch a workshop. The aim is always the same: to organise workshops in as many places as possible, for all audiences!


Facilitate for the Association


Facilitate independently


Public workshops are organised on a daily basis by the association.

Check the facilitation opportunities from your profile. Filter them, and register to observe, co-facilitate or facilitate and further your facilitation skills.

If you facilitate or cofacilitate, do not forget to register the participants during the workshop by clicking on “My participants”!

Whether with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues or even strangers, you are holding all the cards to run a workshop!

All you need to to do is gather your players around a table (or their computer screens), run the workshop, send them a debriefing email and fill your counter.

Please note: If you volunteer to facilitate a paid workshop within your company, there’s royalty fees, that you can learn about here.

Many freelancers facilitate workshops as a source of income. We are grateful that so many people can earn a living by advancing the climate cause!

For facilitators working as a service provider for companies, royalty fees apply.

Are you interested? Check the Pros landing page and join the Professional facilitators’ discussion for more information!

Freskers pros

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the relevant discussion groups.

If you have questions about the workshop, you can join the Freskers community on Telegram !

After the workshop, post workshop email

These two steps are essential to help Climate Fresk grow. Our aim for each Fresk is to convince at least one participant to sign up for a training session and become a Climate Fresk facilitator.


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