Access to the Climate Fresk facilitator training MOOC

Access to the Climate Fresk facilitator training MOOC

MOOCs are available on a course platform called Moodle.
You can connect to Moodle with your facilitator account or your participant account

You are not an facilitator and not registered for facilitation training

To access the Climate Fresk facilitator training MOOC, you must register for facilitation training.

You can find the list of sessions around you by clicking here.

You are registered for facilitation training

Registration confirmation email

When you register for a facilitation training, you receive a registration confirmation email with information about your training.

At the end of this email, a button allows you to create a facilitator account: “I create an account”

Registration confirmation email

Choose your password

If you click on the link, you arrive on a page which invites you to choose a password.

Once you have chosen your password, you can log in with your email and the password created just now. If necessary, the URL to log in is as follows: http://association.climatefresk.org

Access to the participant space

When you log in, you access your Climate Fresk participant space. After validating your personal information, you will find the training for which you are registered, as well as a “Start” button to access Moodle, the platform that hosts the MOOC.

The participation account and the facilitator account are two separate accounts

  • The participant account is accessible before the facilitator training session and allows you to access the MOOC.

  • The facilitator account is accessible after the facilitator training session, once you trainer has registered your attendance.


Access to the Climate Fresk facilitator training MOOC


  • If you click on the “Start” button, you are redirected to the Moodle log in page.

  • You arrive on your dashboard, with the Climate Fresk facilitator training course.

You can click on it to access the course.

You are a facilitator

If you are already a facilitator, you have should have already created your facilitator account.

You can go directly to mooc.climatefresk.org then click on “Connect using the account: http://association.climatefresk.org and enter your facilitator login information.

You can also access it via the Resources page of your facilitator space, by clicking on MOOC

MOOCs in other languages

By default, Moodle displays workshops in the language of your country or the language defined for your country (for the moment, courses are available in French, English and Spanish).

If you would like to change the language of your course, go to the ‘Home’ tab, click on the course you are interested in and register. The course will then appear in your dashboard.

List of available MOOCs











Facilitation training

MOOC's link

MOOC's link

MOOC's link

MOOC's link


MOOC's link

MOOC's link




MOOC's link




Frequently asked questions

Why do I see a series of numbers and letters in my profile when I access the MOOCs?

The data is anonymised on our MOOC platform (Moodle, accessible via mooc.climatefresk.org), which is why you won't find your facilitator email there, but a long string of characters (of the type 7244fd74-479a-4d41-b47b-d8833ce28731).

Don't worry, you're in the right place!

What is the purpose of the ‘Edit’ button at the top right of my dashboard?

This button allows you to modify your dashboard (remove or add blocks). These changes will only be visible to you on your dashboard.

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