Progress in my Fresker's Journey

Progress in my Fresker's Journey


In this article, we explain what the fresker's journey is, and what steps need to be taken to progress on it.

What is the Fresker’s Journey?

  • The aim of the fresker's journey is to enhance progress for the entire community by setting essential steps and fostering the exchange of good practices between facilitators of different level of experience.


  • Each belt comes with a set of rules to access the upper level and its benefits.

    • Your progression is automatic up to the orange belt , through the number of workshops that you facilitate. Beyond that, you need higher level belt validations to progress in your journey.

White Belt

Welcome to the journey!

You have just been trained to facilitate, you automatically become a White Belt.

Towards the Yellow belt

Once you are trained to facilitate , you have all the bases to get started. Co-facilitate or facilitate a workshop, and you will automatically become a yellow belt!

Additionally, if you want to feel more comfortable and get familiar with the community, you can follow the tips below.

Strengthen your climate culture

Join the community

Facilitate! 😉

Organise and facilitate workshops by yourself, with your friends, your family, your colleagues, or with through the association, in pairs with another facilitators if needed, by registering for a opportunities!

Fill in your counter

Don't forget to fill in your counter!

Towards the Orange belt

You will automatically pass the orange belt when you have facilitated or co-facilitated 10 workshops.

With experience, you will improve quickly! You can also follow these tips to deepen your knowledge and giving vitality to the project.

Strengthen your climate culture

Vary your facilitation

Take part in the community

  • Join the NGO

  • Update your LinkedIn profile and mention that you are a Climate Fresk facilitator

  • Organise community events

You don't have to become a green belt: becoming a trainer means making a real commitment to the community and the association. You can continue to facilitate and improve your skills by remaining an orange belt. 

Towards the Green Belt

Here, the route gets a little trickier... which is normal!

When you become a green belt, you'll be training new white belts and upgrading the skills of the other facilitators (white, yellow, or orange belts). You'll need to master the classic workshop, as well as the different workshop formats and their specific features, know how the association works and be able to coordinate/mentor a deployment.

In the following order, you will have to follow the different steps of the path detailed below:

The steps are planned in this order to help you make the transition from facilitator to trainer. Each stage will be an opportunity for you to exchange ideas with other freskers and to continue learning, which is the great strength of the Climate Fresk community!

If, during the course of your journey, your supervisor feels that you are not yet ready to validate a step, he or she will work with you, possibly in consultation with the community, on the various ways of improving in order to achieve the step's objective. Failure to validate a step is never definitive; it's a "not yet" rather than a "no". 

1. Run a minimum of 15 workshops

It's all in the title! This step will be automatically validated as soon as your counter reaches this threshold. Trying out different types of facilitation and different formats (in-person/online) will enrich your practice, so don't hesitate to co-host as many as you can

2. Complete your fresker's assessment

The assessment enables you to take stock of your progress as a facilitator, to check that you have tried out all the workshop formats, so that once you have become a Green Belt, you will be in a position to talk about it to the facilitators you will be training. Send this assessment to the green belt who will be interviewing you, and to the green belt who will be supervising your workshop.

3. Being interviewed by a Green Belt

The purpose of this interview is to take stock of your career as a fresker, your involvement in the Climate Fresk project and to see how you imagine your future role as a trainer. Becoming a green belt means being able to train new facilitators as well as supporting new facilitators in their first steps, which requires a good knowledge of how the association works, the different workshop formats and details of the path from orange belt to green belt with co-optations.

  • Identify an available green belt in order to schedule this one-hour interview with them. You can use either the directory or this telegram channel.. 

  • Send your assessment to the green belt before the interview, so that they have time to go through it and prepare for your discussion.

  • The green belt may postpone the interview if they find that you have not met all the pre-requisites for starting your green belt journey.

  • The interview is an opportunity for you to share your experiences and get feedback from a more experienced fresker, and to ask any questions you may have. It's a valuable opportunity to meet another fresker, to grow and improve your facilitation skills! 

The green belt validates or refuses this step on the platform, depending on whether the pre-requisites for starting the journey have been met. If they refuse, they will tell you what steps you need to take before you can reschedule an interview. A refusal is never definitive; it's a "not yet" rather than a "no".

4. Facilitate a workshop under the supervision of a green belt

The aim of the supervision is to check that your facilitation meets the requirements of the workshop and respects all the stages of the workshop. Supervision must be carried out for an adult version of the workshop (3 hours), either face-to-face or online, with a Green Belt other than the one who conducted your interview.

  • Identify a green belt who is available to supervise you during a workshop, preferably a green belt you don't know, via the directory or this telegram channel.

  • Talk to them beforehand to agree on a date for the workshop and how it will be organised.

  • Send them your assessment, after updating it if necessary. Also give them the name and contact details of the green belt who validated your interview, so that they can talk before or after the workshop supervision. 

  • Make sure that you have organised everything you need to run your workshop calmly on the day (room, equipment, instructions for participants for a face-to-face workshop; video tool available for 3 hours, Mural access for an online workshop). If necessary, don't hesitate to ask questions to the green belt who will supervise you. 

  • On the big day, you run the workshop in the presence of the green belt. The green belt takes notes to check that your facilitation meets the requirements of the workshop and respects all the stages of the workshop. The Green Belt may or may not give an immediate response, but it is usual to allow time for reflection and to arrange a discussion after the workshop to give feedback and validate or reject the supervision. 

The green belt validates or refuses supervision from the platform. If they refuse, don't panic! This is never a definitive refusal, but an invitation to look more closely at certain facilitation points or approaches. In this case, the green belt shows you the points to work on before you can reschedule supervision. You are invited to take the time to integrate the feedback given by the green belt and to put its advice into practice before requesting a new supervision.

5. Take part in a facilitation training as an observer

At this stage, you need to take a step back from your role as facilitator and take on the role of trainer. You will soon be training new leaders, and now you need to understand how to pass on to them the information and good practice they need to get started in their own right.

  • Watch a training session to refresh your memory of how a training is run. Don't hesitate to introduce yourself to the green belt who will be facilitating the session and, if he or she is available, take some time afterwards to ask your questions. It's another valuable opportunity to share your experiences! 

  • You can even observe several training sessions, because each trainer shares their experience and has their own approach to facilitation training. 

  • This step does not require validation by a green belt; it will be automatically validated when a blue belt supervises your first training.

6. Participate in the briefing of the facilitation training material.

A blue belt will present the training material to a group of aspiring green belts over a period of 2 and a half hours (the briefing is online only). This is a privileged moment of exchange with a blue belt, so please prepare yourself before the briefing and bring any questions you may have. 

  • Sign up for a briefing of the training material to familiarise yourself with the green belt tools. 

  • This step does not require validation by a green belt; it will be automatically validated when a blue belt supervises your first training.

7. Facilitate a first facilitation training under the supervision of a blue belt

Once you have the tools you need to become a trainer, you'll have the final step on your path: being supervised during your first training by a blue belt. This is a tricky exercise, and requires some preparation beforehand, as you will be supervised on your first practice, unlike the workshop supervision. Don't hesitate to take the time you need to prepare, between the briefing and the supervision. The aim of this exercise is to make sure that you have adopted the trainer's stance, so that you can pass on everything that new facilitators will need to get started as freskers. 


  • Identify a blue belt available to supervise you (preferably a blue belt you don't know !) by going through the directory or by using this file.

  • Talk to them beforehand to agree on a date for the training and how it will be organised.

  • Prepare for your supervision with the blue belt: take some time beforehand to talk to the blue belt, ask any questions you may have, so that the blue belt can share with you the expectations linked to the exercise. You are invited to pass on the names and contacts of the Green Belts who validated your interview and workshop supervision. The Blue Belt will also send you the evaluation grid that will be used to supervise your training. 

  • On the big day, you'll facilitate the training session in the presence of the blue belt. The Blue Belt will take notes on the evaluation grid.

  • The Blue Belt will take a moment to share his or her feedback on your training. The Blue Belt may or may not give his or her response immediately, but it is common practice to allow time for reflection and to arrange a discussion after the workshop to give feedback and validate or reject the supervision. This is an invaluable opportunity to learn about good practice from an experienced trainer. 

  • The blue belt then validates or rejects the assessment on the platform. If you're not ready yet, don't panic! Non-validation is never definitive; it's a "not yet" rather than a "no" and, above all, an invitation to look more closely at certain points or approaches to training delivery.


At the end of this journey, congratulations to you, you'll be added by the blue belt to the Telegram loop of Climate Fresk Trainers! A new stage in your Climate Fresk adventure will begin!

Don't forget that all these steps are necessary and are designed in this order to enable you to move from the position of facilitator to that of trainer. Throughout your journey, You will be supported by many trainers who will give you their time voluntarily, so we invite you to make the most of this time and, when you become a green belt, to give the same care to those you will accompany on their journey in your turn! 


At the same time, you can expand your knowledge by browsing the resources listed under "Strengthen your climate culture".

Strengthen your climate culture

At the same time, you can deepen your knowledge by browsing this resources.

Towards the Blue belt

You have already come a long way and you are now at a highly strategic level, because it is partly the mobilisation of green belts that gives our community of facilitators its strength!

In the following order, you can carry out these 4 missions.

1. Conduct 20 facilitation trainings

In different contexts, and we invite you to vary the formats (classic or post-MOOC).

Please note that the detailed journey in your facilitator profile presents the steps in the wrong order. The one below is the definitive one, the route to your facilitator space will be updated soon

2. Attend a first interview with a blue belt

  • Identify a blue belt available to conduct this interview of approximately 1 hour. You can directly ask a blue belt you know or use the directory or even use this file.

  • The blue belt validates or refuses the evaluation directly on the platform

3. Attend an second interview with another blue belt

  • Identify a blue belt available to conduct this interview of approximately 1 hour. You can directly ask a blue belt you know or use the directory or even use this file.

  • The blue belt validates or refuses the evaluation directly on the platform

4. Co-supervise a first training session, in pairs with a blue belt

Identify a blue belt available to evaluate a training with you from a green belt (see step 4 of the transition from green to blue). You can directly ask a blue belt you know or use the directory or even use this file.

  1. On the big day, you observe and evaluate the training

  2. The blue belt validates or refuses the evaluation directly on the platform

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