Know the satisfaction of my participants

Know the satisfaction of my participants

This functionality is currently only active for inter-company sessions organised by the Climate Fresk association. This means only blue belts have access to the survey results interface.

When you facilitate a participant, they receive an email containing a link to a satisfaction survey. You can consult the results of this survey in your facilitator space.

Post-session email

Email sent after a workshop

Object : Satisfaction survey

Email sent after a workshop

Tips: in addition to this email, another email is also sent (“Your Climate Fresk workshop!”) containing their participation certificate, and a link to register for a facilitation training.

Email sent at the end of facilitation training

Object : Satisfaction survey

Email sent at the end of facilitation training

Tips: in addition to this email, another email is also sent (“Welcome to the course!”) containing their certificate of participation, and a link to access their facilitator space.

Satisfactory survey content

The survey contains 5 sections:

  • Course length: training duration, pace

  • Contents: teaching materials used, time spent on theory and practice, achievement of objectives

  • Facilitation: facilitation posture, time management, facilitation

  • Organisation: registration in advance, choice of room

  • Going further: would you like to become a facilitator? would you like to be mentored?


Access the results

You can access the survey results by clicking on your profil, then on the button under your counter.

The results are available for all inter-company sessions after 01/08/2024, the launch date of the satisfaction surveys on the facilitator space.

Answers visibility

The answers are visible according to the sections by the facilitators and/or the association:


Responses visible by


Course length

facilitators + Association

facilitators + Association


facilitators + Association

facilitators + Association


facilitators + Association



facilitators + Association

Association (Inter company team)

Going further 




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